The Old Town somehow survived many earthquakes; you can find restaurants, sport bars, cafes, and hotels. Traces of the oldest life in Ulcinj were discovered on the shore of the lake ?Liqeni Zogajsh?, on the locality of Ceret. When the ground was prepared for the ... An interesting period of Ulcinjs history occurred when the Republic of Venice controlled Dulcigno (as it was called in the Venetian language) until 1573 and incorporated the city in the Albania Venetia. ...
En 1470 Ulqin, devenue Dulcigno par la forte présence vénitienne, est la derni?re cité albanaise encore libre, pendant que toute l'Albanie de l'Epire ? Shkodra est tombée aux mains des Turcs. Les Vénitiens vont placer une garnison ...